After lessons with a lady golf pro who made me feel comfortable embarking on a pastime I had previously only associated with men, I quickly became obsessed. All I think about is when I can get out and play, oh and the weather forecast, my second obsession that can make or break my ability to get out there. Heavy rain is not my friend.

Why do I love it? Why should more women get out there? Fresh air, sunshine and exercise are all excellent reasons. The physical and mental ability involved in the game keeps you focused and I believe helps you deal with  the stresses of life,  important to me as an A&E nurse. Golf is sociable, I have met  people from all walks of life and the golf club is  a great community to be part of. What I truly appreciate is the unique handicap system which allows me to play with others at all levels. I can play with my Grandad (82), Dad, sister and partner.  Golf is a sport you can play anywhere and I love visiting the beautiful areas and landscapes that Britain offers. 

I only wish more women would take up this wonderful game.
